

Swiss-German and International Volunteer Coordinator

My profile

Having grown up in a multicultural environment, I was drawn to languages from an early age. So it was natural that I decided to go to Brig for my maturité gymnasiale. Being originally from Visperterminen, I was lucky enough to be able to live there during this period and learn the Upper Valais dialect at the same time. Before starting my university studies in translation, I spent six months in Canada to perfect my English. Finally, thanks to my Spanish origins, I also quickly came into contact with this language, which I perfected during my numerous stays in Spain and Latin America. In 2014, I began my studies at the University of Geneva. I graduated in 2019 with a Master's degree in specialized translation and multilingual communication, and have been working as a professional translator ever since. With a desire for new horizons and working part-time, I decided to take on a new challenge with OPPAL and put my passion for languages to good use for an organization whose values perfectly match my own.


OPPAL is a magnificent organization with incredible values. I'm lucky enough to have been able to join a young, dynamic team that does exemplary work and offers a solution to a problem that affects many people in our mountain pastures. I think it's important to be able to contribute by helping OPPAL so that large carnivores and humans can live together. What's more, I've always felt "at home" in the mountains and nature is one of my resource places. Being able to work for OPPAL is therefore a perfect way of reconciling my personal convictions with professional values to which I fully subscribe.

My assets for OPPAL

Having a great affinity for languages, I feel able to support volunteers so that the language barrier is no longer a problem during missions with OPPAL. I've always said that languages can help build bridges between cultures, and I think that's exactly what OPPAL wants to do between the farming world and anything to do with wolves. Last but not least, my organizational skills and perfectionist streak are great assets in helping to manage the volunteers and carry out the other tasks assigned to me.