
What's happening on the ground

Pontimia, a mountain pasture lost in the Upper Valais Alps, on the border with Italy. 🏔️Un where time takes on a different dimension and nature reigns supreme. 🌱Watches have been going on since the start of the season, and have been for three years now. Each night has its own particularities and challenges. Each night is as unique as the volunteers who take part.🌙Do you too want to experience a moment out of time, with the mission of protecting the black-nosed sheep, emblematic of the Valais? Sign up via our website, there's still availability on the 2024 schedule! 📆📸 @viewsoffabianleu#wolf #wolf #agriculture #ecology #environment #traditional #switzerland #swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains #hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation #awareness #association #swissanimals
The Patagonia team is running this weekend for OPPAL at the Trail Verbier St-Bernard by UTMB. 🏃‍♂️🏔️@patagoniaeurope is a valuable partner that has supported us for several years. The brand provides our teams with top-quality equipment to face the tough conditions of the terrain. 🧥🌧️Ce weekend, Patagonia employees from the 4 corners of Europe are doing us the honor of running 500 km at the @trailvsb on behalf of our association. 🌱Would you like to help the Patagonia team reach their goal? Click on the link in story. ⬆️📸 @viewsoffabianleu#volunteer #volunteering #wolf #wolf #agriculture #sheep #cow #ecology #environment #benevolat #traditional #switzerland #swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains #hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation #sensibilisation #association #family #trailrunning #trail
Come on! To sleep🌙🐄🎥@chriss.pix#volunteer #volunteering #loup #wolf #agriculture #mouton #vache #cow #wwf_suisse #wwf_ch #ecologie #environnement #benevolat #traditional #switzerland #swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains #hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation #sensibilisation #association #family #adventure
Did you miss the screening of the film "Living with Wolves" earlier this year? 🐺🌿In collaboration with @parc_gruyere_paysdenhaut , the film will be screened at CinEden in Château-d'Œx, this Saturday, May 18 at 5pm. 🎞️🍿The Park would like to offer a moment of exchange following the screening. Jean-Michel Bertrand, the director, Michael Thomi, wildlife supervisor (Aigle - Pays-d'Enhaut), Jean-Claude Roch, president of the Park's Nature Commission and Jérémie Moulin, director of OPPAL, will take part in the discussions moderated by Clément Grandjean, editor-in-chief of the journal Terre & Nature. 🤝For more info, go directly to the Parc Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut website. We hope to see you at the event, which promises to be full of interesting exchanges! 🤩#volunteer #volunteering #wolf #wolf #agriculture #sheep #cow #wwf_suisse #wwf_ch #tragopan #ecology #environment #benevolat #traditional #switzerland #swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains #hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation #sensibilisation #association #family #filmnature
Last Saturday, the team and committee met to host OPPAL's Annual General Meeting. An opportunity to present to our members the work carried out during the year 2023. 🌱During this meeting, we had the pleasure of welcoming two new committee members; Patricia Philipona and Alexandre Reymond. 🤝Patricia is a retired accountant with extensive experience in human resources, administration and accounting. She has already helped OPPAL greatly during 2023 and is keen to get more involved in cash management. 🗃️Alexandre is a full professor at the Centre Intégratif de Génomique at the University of Lausanne. He works on rare genetic diseases. He is involved in various associations active in the conservation field. A volunteer with OPPAL since 2022, he is now keen to share his experience and passion on the committee. 💡Welcome to you both, we look forward to this new adventure! 🤗The Meeting ends on a moving note, with the departure of our President Anne-Sophie. @anneso_what, we'd like to thank you for your involvement and support. We know you'll always be there, in a less official way, but with your heart and your great ideas. 💚#volunteer #volunteering #wolf #wolf #agriculture #sheep #cow #wwf_suisse #wwf_ch #tragopan #ecology #environment #benevolat #traditional #switzerland #swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains #hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation #sensibilisation #association #family #aventure
It's coming! We're getting everything ready, we're looking forward to it! 🤩A vigil under the stars, a vigil in the rain, a vigil in the wind. A moonless vigil, a full moon vigil. 🌙Watching heifers, watching sheep. Exchange with your partner, exchange with the shepherd or shepherdess, share your observations. 🔦Observe wildlife, enjoy the moment. A fox, a badger, a deer. Sometimes fearful, sometimes curious, sometimes indifferent. 🦊🦡🦌Watches with or without wolves, stressful watches, quiet watches. 🐺 That's the magic of OPPAL's missions. All different, all unique. 💚📸 AFP/Fabrice Coffrini#volunteer #volunteering #wolf #wolf #agriculture #sheep #cow #wwf_suisse #wwf_ch #tragopan #ecology #environment #benevolat #traditional #switzerland #swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains #hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation #sensibilisation #association #family #aventure
Today, the team visited the @bioparcgeneve. We were warmly welcomed by Tobias, the park's director, in the company of his famous residents, the lemurs.💚This visit opened new doors for us. Indeed, following Tobias' generous proposal, we had the pleasure of formalizing a collaboration between OPPAL and the @bioparcgeneve. 🤝A collaboration that makes sense because of our shared interest in conservation, education and awareness. This project will be based on the place of the wolf in Switzerland and the challenges of its conservation. We'll keep you informed of its progress very soon.💡In the meantime, you can take a tour of the Biopark. The first visit is free, and for subsequent visits you're invited to become a member of the Association des Amis du Parc Challandes. To find out more, visit their website (link in comments). 🌱#volunteer #volunteering #loup #wolf #agriculture #mouton#vache #wwf_suisse #wwf_ch #tragopan #ecology#environment #benevolat #traditional #switzerland#swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains#hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation#sensibilisation #association #family #lemuriens
Happy Easter! 🐰🥚For the occasion, we're pulling this video out of our archives. Our civil servant wasn't on an egg hunt, but on a hunt for... a ferret! 🥜🍪A game of chase that ended well for everyone. The woodpecker returned to the forest with a full belly, and our civilian finally got some shut-eye before his watch. 🌙🔦#volunteer #volunteering #wolf #wolf #agriculture #sheep #cow #wwf_suisse #wwf_ch #tragopan #ecology #environment #benevolat #traditional #switzerland #swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains #hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation #sensibilisation #association #family #lerot
The 2024 surveillance season is underway and the OPPAL team is very touched by the motivation shown by the volunteers. 💚In less than 24 hours, our early-season training was complete with a total of 134 registrants. This event will take place on May 4 and 5 and will follow the same format as last year; 7 modules led by professionals in the field. 👩‍🚒👩‍🔬👨‍🌾Ne don't worry, we're planning several training courses spread over the season, so it's not too late to register for June 29 or July 20, 2024 at Planajeur (Salvan). These courses will take place over half a day, and the modules have been condensed to cover the essentials. There is also space left for the German-language training course to be held in Visp on May 25, 2024. 📆Go to our website (link in bio) to register and get all the information you need. We look forward to meeting you! 🤗📸@fabwildpix - 👩🏼‍🎓 Philippine Surer from @korafoundation#volunteer #volunteering #wolf #wolf #agriculture #sheep#cow #wwf_suisse #wwf_ch #tragopan #ecology#environment #benevolat #traditional #switzerland#swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains#hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation#awareness #association #family #training
We still have places left for your civil service! 🚨We're primarily looking for civil servants for June 2024, but we also have a few places left for the end of the summer season. Hurry up and sign up to join the team! 📅 You're guaranteed a unique experience in an exceptional setting, with friendly supervision. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼Pour to sign up, send an email to 📝#volunteer #volunteering #wolf #wolf #agriculture #sheep #cow #wwf_suisse #wwf_ch #tragopan #ecology #environment #benevolat #traditional #switzerland #swissalps #nightvision #faunesauvage #swissmountains #hardwork #patagonia #strongertogether #cohabitation #sensibilisation #association #family #servicevil