

Infrastructure Manager

My profile

After graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Tourism from the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, I was lucky enough to join the Summit Foundation as project manager for the national waste collection tour. These three years spent roaming the mountains with the help of volunteers gave me the opportunity to reconcile two passions I hold dear: environmental protection and field work.

My free time is also mainly devoted to the mountains, partly because I live there, but also because I enjoy them, whether on family hikes or climbing outings.


Throughout my career, I've always been driven by a strong interest in protecting Alpine heritage and sharing the know-how associated with it.

I was immediately attracted by the strong human component of this project. Indeed, the exchanges and sharing between the various players involved testify to great collective solidarity, despite the sensitive context. This is what motivates me to do my utmost to keep this project going and developing.

Oppal also enables me to make the link between my different backgrounds and values, while using my knowledge to develop concrete solutions in the field.

My assets for OPPAL

My experience in event organization and my ability to navigate tricky situations are major assets in the field. I'm proactive and my adaptability means I can deal with the unexpected.

My understanding of the concerns of the farming world, thanks to my work as a farmhand, enables me to find appropriate solutions while improving interactions.

Finally, my previous involvement in volunteer management enables me to better identify their needs and expectations, in order to offer them the best possible experience.