


My profile

Passionate about living things, I studied biology at the University of Lausanne; first with a Bachelor's degree in General Biology, then a Master's degree in Behavior, Evolution and Conservation.

Being very interested in human-nature conflicts and conservation issues related to the return of large carnivores in our regions, I proposed a thesis project at the University of Lausanne in which I sought to identify variables that could explain the number of wolf attacks on summer herds.

In parallel to my master's degree, I co-founded OPPAL, where I am now the director.


I am fortunate to have been one of the founders of this NGO. OPPAL builds bridges between different worlds, brings ideas of conservation, promotes rural vitality and brings a solidary answer to a social issue. I am convinced that in the future, collective projects will provide many solutions to environmental problems.

My assets for OPPAL

My desire to reach new goals. I like to network, share, exchange and collaborate with other actors. I try to understand the situation of others and find common ground, while maintaining my values. I like the atmosphere and the team dynamics.

In parallel to my academic career, I have devoted my free time to developing a good knowledge of wildlife and the field.