Dr. in Biology



My profile

Doctorate in large carnivore ecology in Postdoc at the Mammal Research Institute in Bialowieza (Poland)

I did my PhD thesis at the Laboratoire de Biométrie et de Biologie Evolutive (LBBE) of the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, on prey-predator interactions and interactions between predators in large terrestrial mammals.

Since July 2022, I am a Postdoc at the Mammal Research Institute of Bialowieza in Poland and the research project in which I participate aims at understanding the tolerance of wolves towards humans. The goal is to understand the factors that have allowed the wolf to recolonize Europe so effectively while the human density is very high, in order to understand the impact of the wolf on these ecosystems.

In parallel to my research, I also do scientific popularization with an association of young researchers: the Pangolin Project.


Having grown up in the Northern Alps, the issue that OPPAL addresses is dear to my heart and is also now part of my research work; joining OPPAL was almost like a matter of course!

OPPAL proposes very concrete and effective solutions to protect herds from predation. Moreover, the association advocates cooperation rather than taking part in the conflict, I liked this side very much and I think that it is what explains the success of the association.

My assets for OPPAL

As a researcher, I have the expertise to assist in the collection of data in the field and its valorization in scientific publications.