Dr. in Biology



My profile

Dr. in Biology, Ecologist, since 12 years at WWF Switzerland, Head of Community and Project for Nature.


The development of an OPPAL-WWF collaboration and the desire to participate in the development of concrete solutions for the protection of the herds and thus of the large predators, for which I have a responsibility within the WWF.

The pragmatism, the openness, the tenacity, the courage, the "outdoor" spirit, the fact that it offers the possibility to everyone to participate in a concrete action in the long term coexistence between human activities and large predators, which are naturally returning in our regions, and with which we must learn to live again.

My assets for OPPAL

My asset for OPPAL is the contribution of a long-term vision of the coexistence between large predators and human activities, in which the protection of the herds and the dialogue with the breeders and shepherds are one of the essential elements.