
The monitoring program offers citizens, the opportunity to volunteer on Swiss mountain pastures to support farmers and wildlife.

A concrete help

OPPAL's monitoring program proposes that watchmen relieve shepherds on the summering areas in order to ensure a continuous surveillance of the flock during the night.

These additional "eyes" on the mountain pastures aim to prevent attacks by large carnivores (wolf, lynx) on livestock. This support is offered to breeders and allows an awareness of the issues related to the return of large carnivores in our regions.

This program is a first in Switzerland. It offers an additional solution for agriculture and promotes a peaceful cohabitation between large carnivores and human activities.


Supporting Livestock and Wildlife

  1. Increase the human presence near the herds
  2. Form teams to collaborate with the shepherds
  3. Create spaces for dialogue between the various stakeholders
  4. Participate in the conservation of our heritage
  5. Improve their knowledge and participate in scientific work


The program in a few words


Be at least 18 years old and in good physical condition.


To be able to withstand mountain conditions (cold, bad weather), to know the dangers and precautions to take.


To have an open mind on the wolf/pastoralism issue in Switzerland.


Volunteers commit to a mission lasting from 1 to 5 days. A break of at least two days is then necessary before carrying out the next mission.


Before their missions in the field, the volunteers follow a training given by speakers from the agricultural and mountain environment and biologists specialized in large carnivores.


Valais and Vaud

In the field

What does field monitoring look like?


Our intentions and objectives


Strengthen surveillance in areas of high wolf presence.

Impacts on
the field

To bring concrete solutions for the breeders and to support them during highly critical periods.


To encourage exchange and build collaboration between people from different backgrounds, with divergent points of view on the issue of large carnivores.

In the field

Your future camp

OPPAL takes care of your comfort during your missions. Basic equipment is available at the campsites. Each camp varies according to the location of the mountain pasture. All this information will be specified when you register.

In the field

Your future monitoring equipment

During surveillance missions, you will be equipped with professional equipment to be used according to a certain protocol. Some tools (thermal binoculars) are subject to regulations and we obtain special authorizations for their use. You will be trained beforehand to be comfortable with this equipment during your watches.


Want to join us and improve the cohabitation between pastoral activities and large carnivores?


Some frequently asked questions

Before each mission, OPPAL provides volunteers with an explanatory booklet containing all the information necessary for the smooth running of their experience.
How does my enrollment in the monitoring program work?
1. You fill out the form and the support team will contact you a few days after receiving it.
2. You take a one-day or weekend course.
3. You communicate your availability to the supervisory team so that they can record them in the schedules.
4. You go to the field for one or more nights with another volunteer.
How does my enrollment in the monitoring program work?
1. You fill out the form and the support team will contact you a few days after receiving it.
2. You take a one-day or weekend course.
3. You communicate your availability to the supervisory team so that they can record them in the schedules.
4. You go to the field for one or more nights with another volunteer.
What training do volunteers receive?

You are the first to complete the questionnaire submitted when you enroll in the monitoring program.

You will then follow a training course in the form of modules:
- Surveillance missions
- Use of monitoring equipment and wildlife behaviour
- Additional modules are offered depending on the courses you are registered for
At the end of this training, the organization confirms or not the aptitude of the participants to go on mission during the season.
If I am not available for the proposed training, can I still participate in the missions?

The association will offer training dates throughout the season.

However, if none of them match your skills, we can arrange a personal interview and you will carry out your first mission with a volunteer who has undergone the training and who has already carried out watches in the field

What is the cost of participation for volunteers?

- Training fees: 30 or 50 depending on the course (student price 20 or 30)

- The trainings are free for the members of the association. Become a member

- Transport to the mountain pastures

- The association provides the volunteers with basic food, all fresh products are at the charge of the volunteer.